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A cybernetic saboteur or the protection of secrets

The dual use of functions of the "sabotage"

The example of a successful destruction of highly sensitive systems


Author: Old Gocs Berlin February 2014 The article on the right-hand side is based on the evaluation of open sources (press publications) only over a longer time period
Quelle : Spiegel, Deutschland Originalbericht
deutsch english
Pentagon project: Armed forces electronics shall disappear at the touch of a button

"Brief electronics": Darpa does not want to let components get into false hands
Sensors, cameras, radio equipments, computers: Electronics is ubiquitous at military actions, and can get into its false hands easily. The Pentagon research department Darpa has components which dissolve on command developed now.
If it is all about technologies which are futuristic and seeming crazy sometimes too a little, relying always is on the Darpa. The Pentagon wants to arm fighter planes with lasers, the research department she organizes robot competitions, she wants to let drones decide independently on the use of weapons and send even people to the stars.

Besides that the latest idea already seems almost banal out of the laboratories of the U.S. Ministry of Defence: Electronics which is used on the battlefield shall be able to disappear of selbigem by dissolving on order so to speak into air.
The armour group BAE Systems has drawn a 4.5 million dollars difficult contract ashore last week to let the vision become reality: Electronic systems shall on "a controlled, from soluble way disappearing physically" as it is called in the project description.
"Brief electronics"
The Darpa quite at the same time proves once again that she is not only imaginative in inventing technology Gadgets but in this also, to think up a short cut and then the project name suitable for it first? In this case "VAPR" is, this one of course what is said like "vapor" (English for steam) completely by chance and shall stand "for Vanishing Programmable Resource ("insignificant programmable resource")".
In the advertising the Pentagon explains his motivation: Progressive electronic systems are every single device pursued, let alone gathered again, spread meanwhile in combat missions so far that it is impossible, it should be lost. This could not "intend enrichment in the environment" leads, writes the Darpa to one.
The worry over nature should be strength not driving this one here though. The "brief electronics" shall rather prevent the "unauthorized use" of the components and the loss of the "technological advantage" of the troop of one's own.
In the area of performance vaporizing electronics shall be equal for customary components currently. In addition, the sensors shall have radio links to be able to communicate via the distance with the user. It then only remains to hope that a different one finds out how this connection works, and lets the component disappear at an inopportune moment for nobody for the.
