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BID - 150
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BID/150 (Delphi)

The BID/150 speech encryption key generator is a single channel device for use with the C42 and C45 Larkspur Combat NET Radios. This was the first Combat Net secure speech system whose key was set through the use of punch cards within the device.

It was first used operationally by the 15th Signal Regiment during the Aden crisis in the late 1960's and was widely used from Battalion level up to Corps Headquarters. Used from the mid-1960's until the early 1980's. This example is held by the UK Royal Signals Museum in Blandford Forum, UK. (Photo credits withheld on request).

To set the daily key, three IBM style (80 col x 12 rows) keycards ( marked X, Y and Z) were placed into three readers situated behind the module covers. Those key cards were used for a 24 hour period then destroyed.

Close-up of 150/1 control panel.