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Enigma Cipher Machine
This page is about the famous Enigma cipher machine, well known for the vital role it played during WWII. Below are descriptions of the various models, their manufacturers, some accessories, patents, computer simulations and codebreaking.

There is no such thing as the Enigma. In fact, Enigma is the brand name of a series of cipher machines, developed before and during WWII, some of which are compatible with each other, and some of which are not. If your are interested in the history of Enigma, you might want to check the Enigma Family Tree, the Enigma Timeline, or the Enigma Glossary.

Before and during WWII, Enigma has been the inspiration for many other designs of rotor cipher machines, like the British Typex and the American Sigaba. And even after WWII, some cipher machines were based on the same principle, such as the American KL-7, the Russian Fialka and the Swiss Nema.

If you own an Enigma machine, you may want to check our page about Enigma restoration materials.

We are always interested in acquiring new equipment for the museum. If you have something to offer, please contact us.