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Electronic Teleprinter Cryptographic Regenerative Repeater Mixer (ETCRRM)

Produced and trialed in 1958, this machine uses the Vernam stream cipher method (circa 1919) in which plain text message is eXclusively OR'ed with a random or pseudo random stream of data of the same length to generate the ciphertext. Once a message was enciphered the keytapes were were destroyed. At the receive end, the process was reversed. An identical keystream tape was used to decode the message. Internally the machine uses mainly 12AT7 tubes, several 6CH6's relays and selenium diodes for implementing logic functions. The machine was designed for low speed, start-stop asynchronous applications in conjunction with a teleprinter, reperforator or T-D (Transmitter-Receiver) as an input or output device. Highly succesful, its main users were the Royal NAvy and NATO.

ETCRRM was used for high level communications at military headquarters or tape relay centers. Four ETCRRM's were used on the Washington/Moscow Hotline when it was first installed on 1963. This machine is held by the C&E Museum in Kingston. (Photo by Jerry Proc)

etcrrm_pristine_01a.jpgThis is the example of the ETCRRM held by the National Cryptologic Museum (NSA photo) .

The engraved dedication plate on the machine reads as:
Presented to National Security Agency by Chief of Defense Security Norway Brig Hans Dramstad 02 May 1996