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M - 209
/ Niederlande

M - 209
Crypto Machine / Canada

aus Crypto Museum
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M - 209
Entwicklungsbeginn : keine Angaben
Schlüsselsystem : keine Angaben
Arten der Chiffrierverkehre : keine Angaben
kryptologische Festigkeit : keine Angaben
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Information :
Hagelin M-209
Portable mechanical cipher machine

The M-209 was a small light-weight portable hand-operated mechanical cipher machine that printed its output directly onto a paper tape. It was developed by Hagelin especially for the US Army and is a 100% copy of the commercial C-38. The only difference with the C-38 is that the latter is grey rather than green. The machines are otherwise identical.

The M-209 has been in use for the entire duration of WWII and later in the Korean War. It was phased out, after the Korean War had ended in the mid 1960s. Three different versions of the M-209 are known:
  • M-209
  • M-209-A
  • M-209-B
Apart from some manufacturing differences, these machines are all identical. Detailed information about each model below.
M-209 opened and ready for use